Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Audience research and Idea Cloud

We started our project off by carrying out audience research. We did this by the use of a questionnaire's. we found it beneficial as it helped us identify our target audience and what they look for in a rock music video. We used the questions below in order to achieve our goal.


1. Gender.
• Male Female

2. What age group do you fit into?
• 15-17 18-20 21+

3. Does the age of the artist influence a music video?
• Yes No

4. What attracts you to a rock video?
• Special effects
• Location
• Colour
• Narrative/ theme
• Performance
• Band/ artist

5. What issues represented in rock videos attract you the most?
• Individuality
• Gender
• Stereotypes
• Sexuality
• Teenage issues
• Abuse
• Disabilities
• class

6. Do you prefer
• A video that matches the song’s storyline.
• A random video to go with a song.

7. Would you rather a music video that specifically focuses on the band/artist?
• Yes No

8. Do you think the artist dress code helps identify the rock genre?
• Yes No

Thank you for your assistance and time.
This questionnaire highlighted that our main target audiences falls within the age group of 17 - 20, we also identified the importance of the dress code in this particular genre.
Idea cloud.

These are some of the ideas we started of with: