Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Artist Research

The pictures above of Nami Tamaki, the original artist of our chosen song, represents a young woman who is not afraid to show her sexuality.

We wanted to create an artist that represented the rock genre, and had some form of individuality. We did some research on similar artists, from American, British and Japanese rock ,such as
  • Yuki Isoya- a japanese artist whose dress code and style both influenced the image we chose for our artist.

  • Hayley Williams- The lead vocal of Paramore, an American rock band. We decided to use this artist as she has the rebelious attitude that we were going for, in the creation of our artist.

  • And finaly, Love bites- A british girl rock band that influenced our artists character, they showed that a character can act rebelious and at the same time dress sweet and innocent.
All these different artists played a role in the creation of our artist, Aki Sakura.