Friday, 19 February 2010

Magazine Poster Final Design

DigiPak Final Design

Front Cover

Inside: 1st Page

Inside: 2nd Page (Under CD)

Back Cover


Monday, 15 February 2010

Digipak Ideas

These are our first ideas for our digipak and our basic layout.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Digipak Research

Now we have our music video we are going to make a Digipak to sell and a Magazine Advert to promote our artist Aki Sakura. To get us started we looked at the layouts of Digipaks by other artists.

From typing "Digipak" into Google we found a website called Oasis Disk Manufacturing. This website really helped give us an idea of how a digipak is designed and the layout we would need to follow in order to create our own. We decided the best layout to do is the "4 -Panal Standard" in order to keep it nice and simple.

Another reason we are going to use the 4-Panal Standard is because we went into a Library and looked at Digipaks they had there, thye only had a small selection but from the ones they had we found that ones which were more comlicated were also a bit more difficult to use (with all the folding and CD's in different places and the booklets in slits that were not easy to put them back into.)

After looking at the layout of the case we then looked at the designs on the case and how the designs are layed out. These are some of the designs we have looked at.

From looking at a selection of CD covers we have learnt the conventions we are going to need to use when making our own. Because our artist (Aki Sakura) is a Japanese female rock artist we concentrated on looking at CD covers from simmilar areas. The conventions we have understood are: The way the artist is usualy on the cover, The artists signiture style, The album and atrist name, One the back a list of songs all numberd, a barcode, all of the record lable information, producers names, and all the same scheme as the front of the cover. Now we can come up with our own design and stick to the conventions.


We have finished editing our video now, the editing process took a while but it turned out really well, we showed our video to 25 people and they all thought it was really good.